Sunday 7 August 2011

RSPB Fun Day Northward Hill

Yet another boiling hot sunny day, just joking Eileen. It was warm, cloudy and a bit of rain. I am a bit burnt but ok.
Peter and I arrived at 0945 and  started to set up a solar telescope. Graham arrived and started to set his up. after about half an hour we were all on parade, Peter, Graham, Ken, Sarah, Kate and me. Having set up we waited for Joe public to arrive. I must say that this event was very well attended, I have been told that 800 to 1000 people came in. We were busy all day showing everyone the sun and explaining what sunspots were and how big they were. Some came back a few times.

We did have one big drop of rain and we rushed to get thing under cover, this was near the end and signalled a pack up. After making sure that we got everything I headed home.

Getting started
   Ken on the left, Graham in the middle and Peter at the table.

Swans swanning 
This place is on a hill overlooking the Thames Marshes

This just the next shot round.

Flying swans
There is also some birds on the far bank that nobody knew what they were, too far away.

Field behind us

Now this last one is the best shot of the day, it is a Little Egret and has something in it's toes. Ken took the same bird but a few seconds later and it shows up better in his shot.

Little Egret
Well that is it we were too busy to keep taking picture but Rolf (one of the RSPB organisers and a MKAS member did)

Bye for now


  1. Wonderful shots trev, sounds like you had a good day !
    cHRIS R

  2. Greetings from Wales, glad you had a good day with plenty of visitors and didn't get too sun burnt. The area looks very good and a nice Egret shot.

  3. Thanks Chris, It was a wonderful day with lots of interest.

    Ken got a better shot as the bird got closer. I would love to know what he had for lunch.


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