Monday, 15 October 2012

The dieing day

Hi All
          Last night as the day came to an end, as the sun dipped below the horizon the clouds were lite up with a brilliance never seen before.
Night was grabbing a hold on the day when I looked out of the window, not being able to believe the sight that I saw I "ran" to get the camera because it will only last a few minutes. This is what I saw that took place over just 3 or 4 minutes.

First shot

About a minute later


Back to the West

Last one West

I have seen a lot of sunset but this was beautiful.

Thanks for looking



  1. Just shown your pictures to OTL!

    Be prepared for him to have a go at some sunsets, he was talking about going down to Whitstable as they are supposed to be good from down there!


    Daisy & Holly

  2. I would have thought Grain would have been better and not as far.

    You keep him in check.

  3. Trev .. these are AMAZING...... Thanks for sharing and having the camera handy !
    Eileen xxx


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