Friday, 30 November 2012

A cold day out

Mike, Sue and me set off for Rye yesterday and boy was it cold. We took a walk out on the nature reserve with the wind behind us. This was not too bad until we turned to go back to the car. We both manage to take some picture and also visited a hide, even that was cold. Then we stopped off at the information centre.

In the car park there was this Robin, I think he would have eaten out of our hands as he got that close.

Hungry Robin
I love these birds as they seem so friendly.

Walking along the path next to the exit from the harbor the sun was shining and it look like summer..

Gull on the wind

Red Shank

A cold Gull

To the other side of the path

I can make out Shelducks, Oyster Catchers, Gulls and what I think are Teals or Wigeon

Wigeon or a Teal

I have a few more but will leave then until tomorrow.

Thanks for looking


  1. OTL says that most of the wild life can be found in the car parks, more food left over from the Two Legs lunch!

    BTW we've heard of a Sea Gull and even an Iceland Gul but never a Cold Gull!

    Is it a Mega Rare bird? Shall we report it to the RSPB?


  2. Yes Mike will tell you that it is very rere as it only lives at Rye.

    It is too cold for you girls..

    Stay warm

  3. Lovely pictures .. Trev.. and Daisy left a comment ... she NEVER visits my blog Trev !!!!

  4. It was nice to see her on here


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