Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Out at last

Hi All, I managed to get out at last. This after a week of being busy or bad weather.

This afternoon I headed for Bloors wharf, as this was sheltered from the wind. It was still cold but my timing was out because it clouded over as I arrived.

It was low water which meant no fishermen at my normal spot by the deep channel.  There were load of different bird feeding or cleaning themselves, some even sleeping.

There was one bird that I had not seen before which I think is a Wigeon but I am still not sure.

Walking onto the wharf the first thing I saw:

No need to explain 


Mallards having a snooze

More Teals

Little Egret
Two of these landed just in font of me but took off as I try to take the shot. This one only few a few yards and stayed for a wash and brush up.

When they are standing still like this they make me think that they are shivering with the cold.

This bird was ducking and diving and I got a few shots on him going under but not worth showing.

Lapwing at the back a Knot at the front

The best shot of the day I think.

At least that is what I think.

Well it was an interesting afternoon with lots of different types of birds (including the Gulls)

I hope you like it.

Thanks for looking.


  1. That Egret looks a bit sad.
    At least you got out.

    1. I think they always do Mike. They look feed up as well..

  2. Lovely shots of the birds Trev ... Yes the little Egrets always look so fed up and miserable! Glad that you posted today ...
    E xxx


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