Monday 4 April 2011

March to Arpil

You know that March was a nice month with the weather and the Daffis were very nice. Sadly the wind towards the end of the month took most of them down. Here is a few pictures taken on the 28th March to show how good they were. Two days later and they were flattened by the wind.

The next was taken the same day and shows how wonderful the weather was.

I have been busy today cleaning the roof of my conservatory getting all the moss of it. Well it worked because it now lets in more light, job well done.

I bet Eileen will need to go and have a rest and Mike another bacon sandwich after reading this.  


  1. Yep, bacon sandwich and a cup of tea.

  2. Ahhh lovely photos Trev.....really made me feel good just looking at them .
    @ Mike... is your bacon always crispy?

  3. Love the Daffs Trev.

    @Eileen, not always, but the cafe in Hythe on the front does a really good one.


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