Sunday, 8 July 2012

The marsh at high water

Morning all, this is to show how high the river get at high water. These were taken over time.

This is how it looks at low water nearly all mud flats

At hight water it is very different and not a lot of room for the birds.

Lays on the mud at low water

No read at high water

Not quite high water

Not a lot of room

All most gone

It's a wonder that they nest out there as there is little room for the wader's 
There were some Shelduck's on the island as well as Oyster catcher's.

Thanks for looking.


  1. Another Power Station then, well done and with good cloud formation.
    Good view of the marshes and the birds.

  2. Great pictures of the marshes Trev ... MMMM shame about the power stations! Love to Jimbo! xx


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