Friday, 22 July 2011

White tops

Well the skool's are on holiday which means that I can now move around without the skool run getting in the way. The down side I found out today is that instead  of going to school the children are playing in the garden. My birds don't like this so have done a runner. There has been a few but they don't stay long.
After coming home after a lunch (coffee) with Mike, Sue, Charles and John at Boomer's there was some wonderful looking clouds over head. These did not hang about but some were replaced with even better ones.

I hope that the birds will get use to the noise and I can get my nice action pictures, Until then this may have to do.

Snow top

Rolling in

Please click to full size

At Last some action
Just before my dinner this Blackbird decided to have a bath right in font of me. I had the camera beside me and gingerly pick it up. This is a real story of a Blackbird needing a bath., you had better believe it.

This old bird was nearly five minutes having his bath and you can see he is really wet. I have not shown him taking off as he was too quick for me.

Here is a taste for tomorrow

Gull on the wing
That's all folk's

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