Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Riverside Country Park

I got bored yesterday (Tuesday) so decided to have a walk round RCP and go to the wildlife pond. This pond is out of the way and very quiet. It seems that loads of people just keep to the main path so never see this place, what a pity. First is is a quiet place and second it has a family of Moorhen's on it, Mum, Dad and four chicks. The best part is that they will come almost up to you but not quite, they stick close to the reeds.

One side of the pond

Other end of the pond
I can't get the whole of it in one shot.

Family of Moorhen's

Meet the family

After a bit I walked out to the main path to have a look round. There were some very nice cloud formations that I took a few shots of.

 Three cloud formations

But that was not all, some of the sights are really great with the sun on them

Close approach 

 Old barge 

Power station with cloud over head

That was it, so I made my way back to the car and home, see you tomorrow.


  1. A great day out Trev and wonderful pictures .... The Moorhen shots in particular are really good ...enjoyed looking at them XXXX

  2. Thank you Eileen, it is a nice couple of hours out but only if it is warm and sunny XXX

  3. That Morehen looks like it's had a few to many.

  4. It might have done but I did not see any empties


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